World Bee Day!
World Bee Day is nearly here! We will be celebrating bees and all other pollinators on the 20th May, will you join us? Below we’ve put together some essential information you should know about bees, their health and how we can help them…
We should actually celebrate our pollinating pals every day of the year, because without them the world would be a very different place… and not for the better! There are many insects that pollinate such as butterflies, moths, ants and even mosquitos (I know, I thought they were the only useless insect on the planet too, but I guess not) however bees are the predominant pollinator, estimated to pollinate one third of the food we eat globally and around 80% of flowering plants!
Considering we are already looking in to the face of a world food crisis, if bees ceased to exist, which is actually a possibility at the way we’re going then the whole planet would be in a lot of trouble. Without the bees we would struggle massively to feed the whole planet, let alone in a sustainable and economically responsible manner. It is estimated that it would cost the UK £1.8 billion to self pollinate the food grown in the UK alone.
But why are bee populations declining?
There are a number of reasons why bee populations are declining, from habitat destruction, use of pesticides to climate change, parasites and diseases and invasive species. Not only do these factors directly affect the bees themselves, it can also lead to a phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder, which is happening more and more in recent years.
Colony Collapse Disorder occurs when the majority of worker bees in the colony suddenly disappear, leaving behind a handful of nurse bees to look after the brood and the queen, and heaps of unguarded food. The remaining hive is simply unable to sustain themselves without the worker bees and the hive will eventually die.
Therefore it is imperative to make more time and effort for the conservation of bees and their habitat. So this is where World Bee Day comes in and we have Slovenia to thank. It took them 3 years of efforts at the international level to get UN member states to approve the proposal to proclaim the 20th May World Bee Day.
The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness of the vital role that Bees and other pollinators play in keeping our planet and our people healthy. It can provide governments, organisations and citizen’s opportunities to help promote the protection of bee habitats, to help improve their abundance and diversity and find ways to support sustainable bee keeping.
So how can you help?
There are plenty of ways you can make a difference and support our buzzing little friends:
- Plant nectar-bearing flowers – Create a bee-friendly garden that provides essential food sources.
- Buy local honey – Supporting regional or national beekeepers helps sustain local bee populations.
- Maintain a diverse garden – Mixed lawn species encourage biodiversity and create a healthier environment for bees.
- Mow your lawn in the evening – By mowing after the bees have returned to their hives, you reduce the risk of disturbing them.
- Set up a ‘bee hotel’ – Provide safe nesting spots for solitary bees.
- Raise awareness – Talk about the importance of bees and inspire others to take action.
- Support sustainable agriculture – Choose products from farmers who use eco-friendly methods that protect pollinators.
Next time you see one of our fuzzy little friends buzzing around some flowers, take a moment to appreciate just how important they really are. We love our bees and the BEEMUNITY® they create!
You can find more information about World Bee Day here: https://www.worldbeeday.org/en/
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